Monday, March 18, 2019

SP Scenario for Enfilade 2019

I've done Sharp Practice(SP) games at conventions and the Card Activation system on these rules always seems to leave one player sitting around waiting for his card to turn up. A couple of turns of this,does not make for an enjoyable game for that player. SP seems to work best with two or fewer players per side, but at conventions you really need to allow for six or more players per game as its just not an efficient use of a table to put on a game for two to four players.

So how to reconcile the problems with SP's card activation system and still allow for eight players in the game. This year I am trying two separate but linked games going at the same time. To do this I have divided the table into two sections with impassable terrain between them. Each section will have their own card deck and proceed at their own pace. This way there will only two players per side in each section with the possibility of interaction between the two only at the end of the game.

Below is the map of the scenario with details described below.

Scenario Description

Rebel Force B(RB) is returning from a raid into enemy territory. They have a wagon full of  supplies, ammunition and muskets they have captured. They are trying to get back to friendly territory and must cross a bridge to do so. The British have been warned of their presence and send British Force B(BB) to  prevent their escape.

On the other side of the river, a friendly Rebel Force A(RA) has been sent to hold the bridge where they must cross. Another British Force(BA) has been sent to intercept the wagons to prevent their escape.

The river runs in a deep ravine and is impassable other than at the bridge.  The terrain on either side of the river is heavy undergrowth, dense forest and rocky hillsides being classed as Really Heavy Going.
Rebel Force RB must cross the bridge and exit the North edge of Table A. The British must try to prevent the wagon from escaping.

Set Up
Each force is comprised of two units of two Groups each and one Unit of Skirmisher type infantry. Rebel Force RB with the wagon first places his Primary Deployment Point(DP) on the road 2D6 plus 6 inches from the Southern table edge. The Rebel Force RB may all enter on turn 1.

The British Force BB B may place only one unit using their Primary DP at the Road junction to the bridge during the first Turn. The remaining two units may enter anytime after turn 2 using the Southern road entrance on Table B as their Deployment Point.

Rebel Force RA and British Force BA may both enter on Turn 1 using their respective Deployment Points located at the North and South road entrances to table A. British Force BA has a Movable Deployment Point(MDP) they may use per the rules as long as the Provential Regulars are the first to make use of it. On table B, the Rebels also have a MDP which functions as per the normal rules after they place the Primary DP as described above.

Force Characteristics


 Force RA  Total 65 points
Ldr 1 Capt. Seymore Bush Lvl III
Ldr 3 Sgt. Buster Cherry Lvl I
Continental Line   Regulars   Muskets   8figs/Group   2 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 2      Characteristics: Sharp Practice
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  2
Controlled Volley: Yes                   Drill:        2

Ldr 2 Lt.Moe Lester Lvl III
Ldr 4 Sgt. Rick O'Shea Lvl IMilitia   Militia   Muskets 10figs/Group   2 Groups  3 pts/Group
Formation: No Shock                   Crashing Volley: 3      Characteristics: No Bayonets
First Fire:   Yes                             Step Out:  3                                           Hearth&Home
Controlled Volley: First Only       Drill:        -

Ldr 5 Sgt Melvin Sackrider Lvl I
Miltia SK   Irregular SK  Rifles   6 figs/Group   1 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: No                    Crashing Volley: -      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                             Step Out:  3      Hearth & Home, No Bayonet
Controlled Volley: No                   Drill:        -

Support Total 8 points
Holyman  1 point
Marksman 2 points
Water Cart  2 points
Relic 3 points

Force RB  Total  64 points
Ldr 1 Capt. Hiram Cheaper Lvl III
Ldr 4 Sgt. Frank Sansbeens Lvl I Continental Line   Elite   Muskets   8 figs/Group   2 Groups  9 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 1      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  2                Good Shots, Stubborn
Controlled Volley: Yes                   Drill:        2

Ldr 3 Lt. Jason Sanborn Lvl II
Ldr 5 Sgt Luke Warme Lvl I
Militia   Militia   Muskets 10figs/Group   2 Groups  3 pts/Group
Formation: No Shock                   Crashing Volley: 3      Characteristics: No Bayonets
First Fire:   Yes                             Step Out:  2                                           Hearth&Home
Controlled Volley: First Only       Drill:        -

Ldr 2 Capt. Upton O. Goode Lvl II
Frontiersmen   Skirmishers    Rifles   6 figs/Group   1 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: No                    Crashing Volley: -      Characteristics: Good Shots, Movable DP,
First Fire:   Yes                             Step Out:  3      Aggressive, Movable DP, Tomahawks,
Controlled Volley: No                   Drill:        -       No Bayonet

Support Total 6 points
Holyman  1 point
MDP  2 points
Relic 3 points


Force BA  Total 65 points
Ldr 1 Capt. Serge A. Head  Lvl III
Ldr 3 Lt. Pat Pending Lvl I
Highlanders   Elites   Muskets   8figs/Group   2 Groups  9 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 1      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  2                 Thin Red Line, Aggressive,
Controlled Volley: Yes                   Drill:        2                 Tomahawks

Ldr 2 Lt.Duncan Doughnut Lvl II
Ldr 5 Sgt. Jimmy DeLocke Lvl I
Loyalists  Conscripts and Volunteers  Musket   8figs/Group   2 Groups  4 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 3      Characteristics: Sharp Practice
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  3                        
Controlled Volley: First Only        Drill:        -

Ldr 4 Sgt Creighton Shippet Lvl I
Loyalist SK  Skirmishers  Muskets   6figs/Group   1 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: Never                      Crashing Volley: -      Characteristics: Movable DP
First Fire:   Yes                          Step Out:  3                         
Controlled Volley:No                 Drill:       -

Support Total 8 points
Physic 1 point
Water Cart 2 Point
MDP 2 points 
Colors 3 points

Force BB Total  67 points
Ldr 1 Capt. Warren Peace  Lvl III
Ldr 4 Sgt. Justin Thyme Lvl I  
Line   Regulars   Muskets   8figs/Group   2 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 2      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  2                          Thin Red Line
Controlled Volley: Yes                   Drill:        2

Ldr 2 Lt.Canby Allgoode Lvl II
Ldr 5 Sgt.Tommy Rott Lvl IFusiliers   Regulars   Muskets   8figs/Group   2 Groups  7 pts/Group
Formation: Always                       Crashing Volley: 2      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                              Step Out:  2                  Thin Red Line, Aggressive
Controlled Volley: Yes                   Drill:        2

Ldr 3 Lt.Allen Rench Lvl II
Skirmishers  Light Inf Muskets   6figs/Group   1 Groups  9 pts/Group
Formation: Always                    Crashing Volley: -      Characteristics: Sharp Practice,
First Fire:   Yes                          Step Out:  3                Aggressive, Tomahawks            
Controlled Volley:No                 Drill:       -

Support Total 6 points
Physic 1 point
Breastworks 2 Point
Colors 3 points

Umpire Notes

If the Rebels can get the Wagon Across the Bridge with nothing to stop them from exiting, then game is over with it being a Rebel Victory. I suspect it won't turn out as simple as that. With the British only allowed to place one Unit blocking access to the bridge, a lot will depend on how aggressive the Rebels are on Table B. Likewise the British on Table A have to be very aggressive in case the wagon makes it to the Bridge.

I haven't yet decided how to work things out if a Unit from Table B actually crosses onto table A. The easy thing to do would be to transfer the Leader cards to the other tables Deck, but I'm wondering if they couldn't just each continue to draw cards from their own deck. If any interaction occurs they could just implement them simultaneously.

I've made my own card deck with pictures of the individual Leaders That makes it easier for the players to identify them on the Table. No more looking for a Roster to see who Leader 5 is.


Still a few things to clean up for this Scenario. I need to find another Rebel Sergeant figure to use or paint one up. Hopefully, I get some playtesting done before the convention in May. If you have any suggestions or comments,please leave them below.